Our Story

The Red Tent Fund, founded in 2024, is a nonprofit abortion fund rooted in the Jewish values and teachings that affirm the right to abortion.

We fund abortions across the United States, with no restrictions based on religion, income eligibility, or gestational age.

“Historically, American Jews have supported abortion access in the United States. According to the Pew Research Center, over 80% of Jewish adults believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. 

This deep-seated support often translated into contributions to abortion funds, which aligned donors’ contributions with the Jewish values and teachings affirming the right to abortion.

After the tragic events of October 7th, many abortion organizations refused to acknowledge the atrocities and sexual violence against Jews and made Jews feel that they had to pick between their Jewish identity and their support for reproductive rights. This false choice created a disconnect for many Jewish supporters of abortion funds. In November 2023, I resigned from my position with the DC Abortion Fund for these same reasons and I publicly shared my story in an article in Tablet magazine. The stories I heard from other Jews with similar experiences and the outpouring of support from the Jewish community was an indication that there needed to be a space where people could support abortion without fear or ostracization because of other beliefs they held unrelated to abortion.

From there, the Red Tent Fund was created.”

-Allison Tombros Korman, Founder

We Exist Today Because Of A Core Belief In Our Values

  • This work is guided by our Jewish values and the Jewish laws and teachings that affirm the right to abortion. These values include tikkun olam (repairing the world); compassion and empathy; and a commitment to human dignity.

  • For Jewish people, reproductive rights and our religious freedom are inexorably linked.

  • Judaism affirms the right to access safe abortion care as essential health care - for everyone. The Red Tent Fund provides a dedicated space for abortion supporters and seekers - Jews and non-Jews alike - who affirm that abortion is a reproductive right and a Jewish religious freedom.

  • We approach reproductive health care with compassion and without stigma or judgment, treating every person with empathy and respect.

  • We trust individuals to make decisions about their own health and well-being, and we're committed to ensuring they have the freedom and resources to do so.

  • We welcome a diversity of opinions and experiences under the Tent and value the Jewish commitment to discourse and debate. We recognize the strength that comes from engaging with a wide range of viewpoints and believe that real learning happens through fostering open, respectful dialogue and debate.

  • As an organization, we will not comment on political, military, and diplomatic developments here or abroad so that we may stay focused on our primary mission of funding abortions in the United States. By staying true to our core purpose, we can make the greatest impact in the lives of those we serve.

“The name ‘the Red Tent draws from my memories of reading the book by the same name. The book beautifully interpreted and imagined the lives of our Jewish ancestors - mothers, grandmothers, daughters, aunts, and friends - from passing references in the Bible. The author imagined the Red Tent as a sanctuary of support, connection, and mutual care. Inspired by this beautiful image, we aim to create a modern-day Red Tent—a place of compassion, support, and empowerment for those navigating the complexities of reproductive health care.”

-Allison Tombros Korman, Founder

Jewish people shouldn’t have to pick between their faith or their commitment to reproductive rights.

We believe in the power of compassion, the strength of community, and the right of every individual to make choices about their own body. Rooted in Jewish values and teachings, our mission is to support those seeking abortions, ensuring they receive the care they need without fear, stigma, or financial burden.

The Red Tent Fund exists to fund abortion through Jewish values. We are dedicated to upholding reproductive freedom as a cornerstone of religious and personal freedom, ensuring that everyone has the right to make decisions about their own health and life.

Your support, your voice, your compassion make this possible.

Together, we make this possible.


  • The Red Tent Fund is a national abortion fund rooted in Jewish values, providing financial support for abortion care across the United States.

  • Anyone in need of financial assistance for abortion care can receive support from us, regardless of their income, gestational age, or religious background.

  • The Red Tent Fund provides a dedicated space for abortion supporters and seekers - Jews and non-Jews alike - who affirm that abortion is a reproductive right and a Jewish religious freedom.

  • We are guided by the Jewish values of tikkun olam (repairing the world); compassion and empathy; and a commitment to human dignity.

  • As of September 2024, the Fund is providing block funding directly to clinics to pay for clients' abortion care. The Red Tent Fund does not restrict funding based on religion, income, or gestational age.

Stand for Accessible Abortion Care